C'est un programme qui comprend 12 sessions (1 session par semaine) pour aider les personnes qui vivent ce dilemme et pour leur donner un soulagement, une guérison personnelle.
Le tout provient d'une démarche de Jean Monbourquette, prêtre et psychologue : Grandir: Aimer, Perdre et Grandir!
Pourquoi créer un groupe d'entraide pour les personnes séparées/divorcées?
- il y a un grand besoin;
- trop de couples mariés finissent par une séparation/un divorce;
- un tel groupe permet aux personnes qui vivent une telle
expérience de jouir d'un lieu pour exprimer leur souffrance
librement avec d'autres personnes qui vivent une même
Brief summary
This is a program particularly designed for a specific group of people. It consists of 12 meetings for 12 consecutive weeks in an attempt to offer, to people living this experience, comfort and potential personal healing. This program was created by a Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate, Fr. Jean (John) Monbourquette. In addition to being an ordained priest, he was also a renoun international psychologist as well as a well sought out lecturer. He specialized in couple's therapy, forgiveness and grief.
Why created a program for separated and divorced people?
1. There is an urgent need.
2. Too many marriages experience separation and divorced.
Such a group represents hope for those living this experience. This group take time out to assemble as a group where their suffering, their loss, their hurt can be expressed freely with others that have gone through the same loss.
"Your pain will turn into joy." (John 16:20)